Had Art and the boys out for another afternoon of bass fishing. Hoping for a repeat of yesterday, we broke the inlet and starting making our way towards where we had the fish yest. Got a call that the bass were up top so off we went ( Thanks Jerry!). When we pulled up they were blowing up all around the boat. The guys put a quick 5 fish in the boat on the first drift before it slowed down a bit. We decided to push on a little further and pulled up on the same thing, bass blowing up the baits. The guys put a few more fish in the boat here but the boat traffic shut it down fast. On the way back up we got to see an incredible bass blitz. Complete mayhem with everyone hooked up instantly 4-6 fish on the entire drift. The most insane bass blitz i have ever seen. After it slowed down due to boat traffic we kept making our way back toward the inlet running into pods of bunker being crushed by bass. By the days end the guys boated 30+ fish keeping their limit and releasing the rest!