Had Chris with son Luke, Rick and his son Nick, and buddy John on board. Had 3 dozen livies on board and turned the inlet for the grounds, met with so-so conditions for most folks, "decent swells". Made our way north and set up on the drift, one of the kids started feeling the dreaded "mal de mar". To young for a bad experience, talked to his dad and told trolling may save the day, moving boat, focus on horizon, air in his face, dad agreed. Put in the
TGT bunker spoons and had results first 2 passes yielded nice mid-twenties fish on the green/white small spoon. trolling into and with wind got the bites. the young one still was feeling ripe made our way into the river and ended the day catching snappers on light tackle and, throwback fluke to 17 and half inches. Congrats to Luke on his first and biggest Striper. And Nicky to his first saltwater fish.