Hosted a open boat trip with regulars, Art Hoover, Glen Kaufman, and Bob(Bates)Cameron. Got to the canyon in flat seas and decided to do some tilefishing to start since the troll bite had not developed yet. Landed a couple and made our way down the wall to the square, complete mob scene with boats and few hookups, pushed further off east no bites and decided to start the chunk before dark on some good readings. Read fish had squid and mahi around the boat all night with no tuna touches. finally had a sword on around 4 am that wound up breaking off,damn! Went on the troll all day and had no bites, decided to save the trip and go for light tackle mahi landing them to 10lbs, and a dozen tiles to 15lbs. Tough trip but great bunch of guys, great weather and some good grilling help me deal with the sting of no tuna.